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Climate Control Middle East



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Climate Control Middle East(圖1)-速報App

Energy efficiency, renewable energy and IAQ have moved into the collective psyche of the HVACR industry like never before. Generally, there is glamour for efficient and elegant engineering solutions.

Climate Control Middle East(圖2)-速報App

Climate Control Middle East magazine recognises this sentiment among engineers and technocrats and strives to perpetuate it among the readers. Playing the role of a conduit, the magazine aims to share innovations, best practices and bold engineering approaches. A case-in point is the field of district cooling in the region, where the very best of minds have assembled to deliberate and hammer out top-notch solutions to technical as well as gripping economic challenges. The magazine takes upon itself the responsibility of channelling their solutions to the wide readership, so that everybody can benefit and push an entire industry forward. Another case-in point is the cold-chain industry, which needs state-of-the-art refrigeration and filtration solutions from storage and handling perspectives. The magazine endeavours to provide critical information and, thus, promote food safety and food security.

Climate Control Middle East(圖3)-速報App

The magazine is as much about the people in the industry and a sharing of their concerns, ideas, thoughts and perceptions.

Climate Control Middle East(圖4)-速報App

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支援平台:iPhone, iPad